The buttons are truly out of alignment and, certainly, shockingly out of color (colour) context with the gray (colour and grey, for SBF and steve2) suit. I would suggest replacement buttons from the following list of color (colour) options: Pearl Gray (grey); Cadet Gray (grey); Payne's Gray (grey); or Taupe Gray (grey).
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
Crazy statements from JWTalk
by Jehovah lol ini'm sure many of you are aware of the jwtalk site, a message board which has yet to succumb to apostasy (give it time).. some of the forums there are visible to the public, and i've seen some crazy stuff.
here is a sampling:.
"satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from eve's creation!".
compound complex
To carry this further . . .
It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
NO! I dispute this vague, non-committal and mealy-mouthed supposition -- It seems -- that those 24 elders are perhaps, possibly, maybe directing matters on behalf of The Lord's chosen ones. The evidence shows beyond all doubt that the consecrated are directed by Heaven in their carrying out The Great Architect's Divine Plan of the Ages.
It does not seem to be so -- it is so!
SBF: This is dead serious.
Crazy statements from JWTalk
by Jehovah lol ini'm sure many of you are aware of the jwtalk site, a message board which has yet to succumb to apostasy (give it time).. some of the forums there are visible to the public, and i've seen some crazy stuff.
here is a sampling:.
"satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from eve's creation!".
compound complex
I don't need Jerry to send me a copy of the Revelation book because I have Mom's copy, seriously underlined, with her own commentary (valuable to me since she was of the anointed and now is directing matters on earth from heaven):
11 What, then, can we deduce from the fact that one of the 24 elders identifies the great crowd to John? It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important?
Punctuation within and without quotation marks
by compound complex in .
would someone please make this link clickable?.
compound complex
In terms of self-assessment, Smith made various pronouncements on what he considered his best work. These included the six stories in [The] Double Shadow (i.e., "The Voyage of King Euvoran," "The Maze of the Enchanter, " "The Double Shadow," "A Night in Malnéant," "The Devotee of Evil" and "The Willow Landscape") and the individual stories "The Eternal World" and "The City of the Singing Flame." He named "The Uncharted Isle" as the best "or at least favorite" of his "straight science fiction" stories. Toward the end of his life, Smith considered his "masterpiece" to be the blank verse play, "The Dead Will Cuckold You" (1951, 1956) set in Zothique, one of his last completed works. Of his Zothique story cycle taken as a whole, Smith said it was "in no wise inferior to Dunsany and Cabell." Regarding his poetry -- which he took the most seriously of all his creative work -- Smith felt (writing in 1936) that he had produced his best work in the years 1913-23.
Note: Book titles are italicized -- The Double Shadow -- whereas, individual stories or poems -- "The City of the Singing Flame" -- are placed within quotation marks.
It Seems Some People Don't Listen
by Wasanelder Once inmy dad's phone rings.
its a secretary from his dermatologists office.. her:.
"just calling for "mr. wasa sr." to remind him his appointment is next wednesday at 2pm.".
compound complex
Regarding phone or any other sort of good manners, a friend called one day, ever her cheerful, friendly self. As usual, she went into her usual lively tale about her comings and goings. Never a "how're-you-doing?" interchange. Never, then or in any past conversation (always one-way).
I gently interjected, "Mary, when we talk you never ask how I'm doing."
Being a kind and aware soul, she realized her penchant for barging right in, apologized, and we went from there.
Sometimes, people need little reminders that it's a conversation, not a soliloquy.
It Seems Some People Don't Listen
by Wasanelder Once inmy dad's phone rings.
its a secretary from his dermatologists office.. her:.
"just calling for "mr. wasa sr." to remind him his appointment is next wednesday at 2pm.".
compound complex
Thanks, smiddy!
Don't know why both were deleted. Try again . . .
In the film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, a caller started chatting up Judi Dench about a service in her deceased husband's name. Ms. Dench said her husband was dead. The agent kept talking about the service, totally oblivious to the poor widow's lament.
Later, as the story unfolded, Ms. Dench became an adviser on proper phone etiquette in that very company.
November Is The Cruelest Month
by JRK ini have been going through old papers and photographs since my mother passed away.
it has reminded me of some of the reasons that i really hate november.
this year has added to it obviously.. thirty-four years ago, my father passed away in early november.
compound complex
My first thought, Dorothy McGuire.
It Seems Some People Don't Listen
by Wasanelder Once inmy dad's phone rings.
its a secretary from his dermatologists office.. her:.
"just calling for "mr. wasa sr." to remind him his appointment is next wednesday at 2pm.".
compound complex
double post
Unbelievable KMS example
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini've been to the kingdom ministry school (for elders) recently and can report that it is mostly the usual mix of cliches and platitudes.
several letters where basically just read through one line at a time.
one point early on though almost made me laugh out loud.
compound complex
But didn't Jesus advise that going into the kingdom maimed (minus eyes and hands) was better than being tossed into Gehenna? Given our current understanding (it's all a myth), wouldn't it be sad to be a sightless double amputee?
Although I am, by nature and nurture, a puritanical prude, I'm still human . . .
Maybe a bit more self-flagellation . . .
November Is The Cruelest Month
by JRK ini have been going through old papers and photographs since my mother passed away.
it has reminded me of some of the reasons that i really hate november.
this year has added to it obviously.. thirty-four years ago, my father passed away in early november.
compound complex
Dear JK:
My parents are both similarly situated.
Wish they were here . . . alive.
Wishing you peace. I know it's difficult.